ℹ️ How to import or export data (Excel)
In the Components screen, use the Import/Export Excel buttons on the top right.
Export to Excel
You can control, filter and format the data that will be exported to the Excel file from your project:
Data Content
In this section you can choose what properties will be exported: Item amount, main panel value, visible property, color, background / fill color and/or the rest of the properties for all panel types.
Data Filtering
Here you can filter in/out your data:
- Include blueprint values: If disabled, only the overridden set items property data will be included
- Incl. bp. default property values: The property default values will be included
- Incl. non-editable bp. panels: Property for non-editable blueprint panels will be included
- Include details not referenced by the bp: Sets can contain data that is not being used currently by the assigned blueprint. This will force to export all data in the Set.
- Skip unused column detail properties: If a property is not being overridden in at least one item in the set, it will be skipped to shrink by a lot the amount of redundant data in the Excel.
Data Formatting
- Include detail names in the first row: The first row in each Excel sheet will contain the item detail and property names for each column.
- Sort columns by detail name: The columns will be sorted alphabetically by detail name, the item amount column (if included) will still be the first column.
- Force main panel to be sorted as the first column: The main panel (if specified in the blueprint) will be exported as the first property columns. Again, the item amount column (if included) will still be the first column.
- Format NULL cells with light gray color: Excel cells for properties that in that item doesn’t have the property overridden will be tinted with a light gray color to distinct them apart from other cells with empty string values but with the property overridden in the item.
Import from Excel
When you open a Excel to import its data, this prompt will be opened to allow you to configure the data mapping between the Excel and its sheets (Sets), set panels (details) and their properties: